I wanted to get something to hold our garden hose, since we bought a super long one so we can reach around the house when we need to.
I had found 2 that I REALLY liked from Frontgate, I originally wanted one similar to the one that sits on the floor but nailed to the wall, but when John and I were talking he said he didn't want to nail anything to our siding, which makes sense, so I found the second one, also from Frontgate... BUT, I couldn't justify spending a lot of money on it (the first one is $330, on "sale" right now for $300, and the second one is $200, on sale for $180)... So the other day we went to Lowes and saw the last one (last 2 photos), which might not be as pretty, but it only cost $32 :-)
Queria algo para poner la manguera del patio, porque compramos una super larga para que alcanzara a darle la vuelta a la casa si necesitamos.
Encontre 2 que me gustaron MUCHO de Frontgate, yo originalmente queria una similar al de la primera foto pero para ponerlo en la pared, pero cuando hable con John el dijo que no queria clavar nada en el material que recubre la casa, y tiene razon, asi que encontre el segundo, tambien de Frontgate... PERO, no podia justificar gastar mucho dinero en esto (la primera cuesta $330, y ahorita esta en "especial" a $300, y la segunda cuesta $200, en especial a $180)... Asi que el otro dia que fuimos a Lowes vimos esta (en las ultimas 2 fotos), que no estara tan bonita, pero solo costo $32 :-)
Magical Lapland | Bucket List Family Trip
5 years ago
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