So, apparently, once Spring get here and the grass starts to grow, you have to mowe your lawn once or even TWICE a week when it starts to rain!!!
And yestarday, after having a lawn for a few weeks we went out to Sears to get our lawn mower and a weed wacker (we saved like $90 because they're having a sale). We went with Craftsman because we've heard good things about it, and we chose a Honda engine instead of the other option since we've also heard they tend to last longer (they're available with 2 different engine brands).
John and I mowed the lawn yesterday and I really like how it looks, plus, compared to a month ago, when the sod was just "installed", it looks much greener :-) Yay!!!
Aparentemente aqui en Missouri uno tiene que cortar el pasto una o hasta DOS veces por semana cuando llega la Primavera cuando empieza a llover!!!
Y ayer, despues de tener pasto por varias semanas fuimos a Sears a comprar la podadora de pasto y una maquina para cortar las orillas (y ahorramos como $90 dolares porque estan en especial). Escogimos una podadora Craftsman porque hemos oido cosas buenas sobre ellas, y el motor Honda porque tambien hemos escuchado que duran mas (vienen con 2 marcas de motor diferente).
John y yo cortamos el pasto ayer y me gusta mucho como se ve, ademas de que, comparado con hace un mes cuando a penas lo "instalaron" se ve mucho mas verde :-) Yay!!!
Magical Lapland | Bucket List Family Trip
5 years ago
I just made an entire post about cutting the grass. How funny!
It does look very nice and green. I'm jealous!
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