Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's time to cut the grass!!!

So, apparently, once Spring get here and the grass starts to grow, you have to mowe your lawn once or even TWICE a week when it starts to rain!!!

And yestarday, after having a lawn for a few weeks we went out to Sears to get our lawn mower and a weed wacker (we saved like $90 because they're having a sale). We went with Craftsman because we've heard good things about it, and we chose a Honda engine instead of the other option since we've also heard they tend to last longer (they're available with 2 different engine brands).

John and I mowed the lawn yesterday and I really like how it looks, plus, compared to a month ago, when the sod was just "installed", it looks much greener :-) Yay!!!


Aparentemente aqui en Missouri uno tiene que cortar el pasto una o hasta DOS veces por semana cuando llega la Primavera cuando empieza a llover!!!

Y ayer, despues de tener pasto por varias semanas fuimos a Sears a comprar la podadora de pasto y una maquina para cortar las orillas (y ahorramos como $90 dolares porque estan en especial). Escogimos una podadora Craftsman porque hemos oido cosas buenas sobre ellas, y el motor Honda porque tambien hemos escuchado que duran mas (vienen con 2 marcas de motor diferente).

John y yo cortamos el pasto ayer y me gusta mucho como se ve, ademas de que, comparado con hace un mes cuando a penas lo "instalaron" se ve mucho mas verde :-) Yay!!!

I also straightened the mail box today :-)
Tambien enderece el buzon hoy :-)


Angie said...

I just made an entire post about cutting the grass. How funny!
It does look very nice and green. I'm jealous!