Saturday, April 10, 2010

Adventures in Gardening

Now that Spring is here I've been enjoying our flowers, I mowed the lawn yesterday and today I got some lilies from Lowes to plant in the pots I got for the front door, and I think it looks pretty good... so I wanted to share :-)

I got a couple of unwelcome surprises, but overall, I've been enjoying being a rookie gardener :-)


Ahora que ya llego la Primavera he estado disfrutando de nuestras flores he estado disfrutando nuestras flores, ayer corte el pasto y hoy compre lilis de Lowes para plantarlas en unas macetas que compre para la puerta de la casa, y se me hace que se ve bien, asi que queria compartir :-)

Recibi un par de sorpresas non-gratas, pero en general, he estado disfrutando ser una jardinera novata :-)
The front of the house, now that you can see the flower bed with flowers... although this is a less than perfect picture since it was early in the morning and the sun was behind my house :-S Oh yeah, I was afraid that my hydrangeas had died over the winter, but it looks like they're starting to turn green again (at least 2 out of the 3)... Keep your fingers crossed!!!

El frente de la casa, ahora que se ve la jardinera con flores... aunque esta foto es menos que ideal porque era temprano y el sol esta atras de mi casa :-S Ah si, temia que mis hortensias se habian muerto en el invierno pero parece que estan empezando a reverdecer (al menos 2 de las 3)... Asi que hagan changuitos!!!
Closeup. I bought the tulip "variety pack", so we have several different colors and mixes.
Closeup. Compre el paquete de tulipanes "surtido", asi que tenemos diferentes colores y mezclas.
I had some bulbs left so I made another flower bed in the backyard, right under one of the windows.

Me habian quedado algunos bulbos asi que arme otra jardinera en el patio de atras, debajo de una de las ventanas.

Flowers - Closeup

Flores - De cerquita

This are the new additions to our garden and our entrance :-)

Estas son las nuevas adiciones a nuestro jardin y a nuestra entrada :-)

Last but not least... The unpleasant surprises... WARNING: Don't keep scrolling if you get grossed out easily or if you're afraid of spiders!!!

I'm pretty sure these things were some kind of mushroom, but I had never seen anything like them... and they looked disgusting!!! I put my gardening gloves on and dug them out, putting them in a plastic bag immediately, as to not spread them or something (or so I think). Then, while digging out the one on the first picture, a HUGE spider came out, it was about 1" in diameter and pretty fat... I did scream, but killed it shortly after... and took a picture :-D

Por ultimo... Las desagradables sorpresas que encontre... ADVERTENCIA: No sigan dandole para abajo si se asquean facilmente o si le tienen miedo a las aranas!!!

Estoy casi segura de que estas cosas son algun tipo de hongo, pero yo nunca habia visto algo parecido... y se veian super asquerosos!!! Me puse mis guantes para jardineria y los escarbe, poniendolos en una bolsa de plastico inmediatamente, para que no se sigan extendiendo (o por lo menos eso creo yo). Y mientras estaba escarbando para sacar el de la primera foto, una arana SUPER grande salio, media como 1 pulgada de diametro y estaba muy gorda... Grite, pero la mate luego luego... y le tome una foto :-D


Coree said...

OMG! What in the heck?! I didn't know we had such big spiders like that in Missouri! That is scary!

Oh, your flowers are beautiful by the way!