Saturday, April 10, 2010


For a little while I've been wanting to buy or make some small rectangular pillows for the 2 chairs in the great room, since I was getting the feeling that they looked too bare... And today, while going to JC Penney to look for curtains for the basement I found ones that basically fit my requirements... But then... we went to Target to get filters for our AC units and of course, they had similar pillows that I liked even more :-S

So I bought them too and tried them out on our chairs. In the end I decided to use the ones I got at Target here... and John took the other ones for the basement :-) Win-win!!!


Desde hace un rato habia estado queriendo comprar o hacer unas almohadas pequenas rectangulares para las 2 sillas en el cuarto familiar, porque se me hacia que se veian medio pelonas... Y hoy, mientras estabamos en JC Penney buscando unas cortinas para el sotano encontre unas que basicamente cubrian mis requisitos... Pero luego... fuimos a Target a comprar unos filtros para nuestras unidades de aire acondicionado y claro, que tenian unas almohadas similares que me gustaron mas :-S

Asi que las compre tambien para ver cuales se veian mejor... A fin de cuentas decidi usar las que compre en Target... Y John agarro las otras para el sillon que esta en el sotano :-) Ganar-ganar!!!

Great Room chairs without pillows.
Las sillas del cuarto familiar sin almohadas.

The pillow from JC Penney... Normally costs $25, but we got them on sale for $16 or something like that... Matches the color better but I thought it looked kind of plain.
La almohada de JC Penney... Normalmente cuestan $25 cada una, pero las encontramos en especial a $16 o algo asi... El color combina mejor pero a mi se me hacia que se veian muy sin chiste.
This is the one from Target. Bonus, they were $9.99!!!
Esta es la de Target. Bono, costaron $9.99!!!


Mindy said...

Love the new pillows! I agree Target ones are definitely the right fit.

lovgod said...

high quality furniture retailer online -
Modern leather chair visit -
High quality chair visit -