Ever since we moved into our house 6 months ago (whoa... time flies!!!) we've been planning on getting a fence so we can let the girls go outside with any worries, specially since we noticed that one of our neighbors on the street behind ours puts his pitbull outside (sorry pitbull lovers, but this one in particular scares the shit out of me!!!) on a "leash" and leaves him there charging toward us and our dogs when they're outside...
We were actually planning to install it ourselves but as the day grew nearer I kind of figured that it was a bit too much for us...
So we finally started getting quotes last month and I almost fainted when we got them!!! I'll explain: in California people usually have 6' walls or wooden fences around their back yards and usually all the way to the front of their houses (they end at the front of the house as opposed to here in Missouri where most people don't even have a fence and the fence it's only allowed to go to the back of the house, in some areas... like in ours), and we're used to having that kind of privacy where you can basically do what ever you want in your backyard without anyone knowing or bugging you about it... So originally I wanted a privacy fence as shown on the first picture... BUT, I knew that our HOA only allows fences that are 4' tall max, so I thought about getting a privacy fence with a lattice (I was planning on risking it not getting approved by the HOA and send this request for approval first), which would give us a little bit more privacy and hopefully it would've been approved by the HOA... but then we went to get the quotes... You see people, we need around 232 ft. of fence, and that's A LOT of cash...
For the option with lattice, if I remember correctly, we got quoted $11,000+!!!!! And for the one without it about $8000 (I think)... We considered other possibilities (i.e. wood), but I REALLY don't want to have to stain it or paint it every so often, and I don't like the look much, either (personal preference I guess)... But then (lucky us) I also read our HOA rules and it states that on top of the "no taller than 4' rule" they even had a rule about the picket spacing, which should be "no less than 3 inches", so I kind of figured that if they were THAT specific with the rules there was no use in submitting the fences I knew were not allowed for approval... plus they were so damn expensive...
We talked with our fence consultant and he proposed the Hartford, since it already "includes" the 3" spacing (I guess that means that it doesn't need to get customized), but for some reason I thought it looked more like the Huntleigh... and now I'm second guessing myself... ugh... since I have a square engineer's brain and like more "symetric" and proportioned stuff, and yes, I know it's technically symetric, but it just looks weird to me... And because they don't have to do anything to it, it's "only" $5500 :-S It's just a fence after all, right??? A fence that's going to last a life time though :-S ... Hmmm... Oh, and we're going with the flat post ends, not the gothic ones.
What do you think? Do you like it or do you like the Huntleigh more? :-S I think I'm going to end up going to check out the model in person tomorrow, just to make sure...
We got the HOA approval on Thursday and we're just waiting for the city approval!!!
Desde que nos cambiamos a la casa hace 6 meses (se ha pasado el tiempo volando!!!) hemos querido poner cerco en el patio de atras para poder dejar salir a las perras sin preocupaciones, sobre todo cuando notamos que uno de nuestros vecinos de la calle de atras saca a su pitbull (disculpas a los amantes de los pitbulls, pero este perro en particular me da un chorro de miedo) y lo deja ahi solo amarrado, mientras se nos trata de aventar a nosotros o a las perras cuando estan afuera...
Estabamos planeando instalarla nosotros mismos, pero mientras mas se acercaba el dia me di cuenta que iba a ser un proyecto demasiado grande para nosotros 2...
Total que el mes pasado empece a pedir presupuestos casi me desmayo!!! Me explico: veran, en California (y en Tijuana) uno esta acostumbrado a tener bardas o cercos altos en el patio de atras, y usualmente llegan hasta el frente de la casa (en California estan al parejo de donde termina la parte de en frente de la casa, a diferencia de Missouri donde mucha gente no tiene cercos y llegan a la parte trasera de la casa solamente, debido a las reglas de la comunidades... como la nuestra) y nosotros estamos acostumbrados a tener ese nivel de privacidad donde puedes hacer lo que quieras en tu patio y nadie se da cuenta o te molesta al respecto... Asi que originalmente yo queria un cerco de "privacidad" (asi les dicen) como el de la primera foto... PERO yo ya sabia que nuestra asociacion de vecinos no permite poner rejas de mas de 4 pies de alto, asi que se me habia ocurrido mandar la propuesta de proyecto con esa reja de 4 pies mas un enrejado en la parte superior como en la segunda foto (yo estaba planeando en arriesgarme y mandar esa propuesta primer para ver si era chicle y pegaba), lo cual nos daria un poco mas de privacidad y ver si la asociacion de vecinos lo aprobaba... pero entonces nos dieron los presupuestos... Veran, tenemos que comprar aproximadamente 71 metros de reja y eso es mucho dinero...
Por la opcion con el enrejado nos dieron un estimado de 11,000+ dolares!!!!! Y la que no tiene el enrejado como 8000 (creo)... Consideramos otras posibilidades (como madera) pero la verdad es que yo no quiero tener que andar laqueando o pintando cada cierto tiempo, y tampoco me encanta como se ve (preferencia personal)... Pero entonces (para nuestra "suerte") lei en el manual de la asociacion de vecinos que ademas del requisito de no mas alta que 4 pies, tambien especifican que cada palo debe de estar a no menos de 3 pulgadas de distancia, asi que me imagine que si eran tan especificos con el espaciamiento ni para que mandar las propuestas de las rejas que no iban a aprobar... ademas de que estaban tan caras...
Hablamos con nuestro "consultor" de la compania que instala las rejas y nos recomendo el modelo "Hartford" que incluye el espacio de 3 pulgadas (me imagino que eso de "incluye" significa que no tienen que hacerlas especiales a la medida) pero por alguna razon pense que se parecian mas al modelo "Huntleigh"... y estoy empezando a dudar de mi decision... chin... y como tengo la mente cuadrada de ingeniero como que se me hace que no son simetricas o que no estan bien proporcionadas, ya se que tecnicamente si estan simetricas pero se me siguen haciendo "raras"... Debido a que no les tienen que hacer nada "solo" nos van a costar $5500. Es solo un cerco, verdad??? Un cerco que va a durar toda la vida :-S... Hmmm... Ah, y pedimos las tapas planas para los postes, no las goticas...
Ustedes que creen? Les gusta mas modelo Hunteigh??? :-S A mi se me hace que voy a terminar yendo a verlo en persona manana nada mas para asegurarme...
Nos llego la aprobacion de la asociacion de vecinos el Jueves, y ya nada mas estamos esperando el permiso de la ciudad!!!
Magical Lapland | Bucket List Family Trip
5 years ago
The Chesterfield is my first choice (but I think this one might be very expensive) and then the Hartford would be my second choice...though now the more I look at the Huntleigh the more it's growing on me. I don't think you can go wrong either way!!!! Good luck sweetie, so exciting.
I like the Hartford model.
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